Counter-Strike 1.6 Duvar Hilesi Kodları...

MaxCodeR06.01.2013 - 23:01
Merhaba arkadaşlar sizlere şimdi cs 1.6 için oyun duvar hilesi kodlarını vereceğim.

Bu kodlar sayesinde kendi hilenizi kendiniz oluşturup oyunu botlarla oynayabilirsiniz.Singplayer olarak geçerli.Online olarak veremeyeceğim.İstekleri özel pm atabilirsiniz.

Hilenin Açıklaması :

Hile düşmanların duvararkadasından gözükmesini sağlayarak sizin onlardan üstün olmanızı sağlıyor güzel bir çalışma .

Kodlar :
Kod: [Seç]
#include "Stdafx.h"
#include "SdkIncludes.h"
#include "OpenGL.h"
#include "DetouredGL.h"
#include "CDraw.h"

bool bOGLSubtractive = false;
bool g_bSky = false;
CDraw *pDraw = new CDraw( );
VOID WINAPI glBeginDetour( GLenum mode ) {
if( mode == GL_QUADS )
g_bSky = true;
g_bSky = false;
Trampoline_glBegin( mode );
VOID WINAPI glBlendFuncDetour( GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor ) {
if( bOGLSubtractive )
Trampoline_glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );
Trampoline_glBlendFunc( sfactor, dfactor );
VOID WINAPI glClearDetour( GLbitfield mask ) {
Trampoline_glClear( mask );
VOID WINAPI glEnableDetour( GLenum cap ) {
Trampoline_glEnable( cap );
VOID WINAPI glEndDetour( ) {
if( pDraw->m_bDrawing ){
pDraw->DrawPanel( );
pDraw->m_bDrawing = false;
Trampoline_glEnd( );
VOID WINAPI glPopMatrixDetour( ) {
Trampoline_glPopMatrix( );
VOID WINAPI glPushMatrixDetour( ) {
Trampoline_glPushMatrix( );
VOID WINAPI glShadeModelDetour( GLenum mode ) {
//XQZ2 wallhack (shity imho)
if( mode == GL_SMOOTH ){
__asm {
push 0x00000100 //GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
call dword ptr[ Trampoline_glClear ]
Trampoline_glShadeModel( mode );
VOID WINAPI glViewportDetour( GLint x,  GLint y,  GLsizei width,  GLsizei height ) {
if( pDraw->m_iVpCounter >= 5 ) {
pDraw->m_bDrawing = true;
Trampoline_glViewport( x, y, width, height );
VOID WINAPI glVertex3fvDetour( const GLfloat *v ) {
if( g_bSky ) {
float flZero = 0.0f;
__asm {
push flZero
push flZero
push flZero
call dword ptr[ Trampoline_glColor3f ]
Trampoline_glVertex3fv( v );
VOID WINAPI glVertex3fDetour( GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z ){
Trampoline_glVertex3f( x, y, z );
VOID WINAPI _wglSwapBuffers(HDC hDC)
pDraw->m_iVpCounter = 0;
_Trampoline_wglSwapBuffers( hDC );
//Primarily unused (directly at least, like the ones above), just here for what-ifs and detourable use
VOID WINAPI glColor3fDetour( GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue ) {
//Check( "glColor3f called" );
Trampoline_glColor3f( red, green, blue );
VOID WINAPI glDisableDetour( GLenum cap ) {
//Check( "glDisable called" );
Trampoline_glDisable( cap );
void DetourOpenGL( ) {
#define Detour( pbTrampFunc, pbDetourFunc )\
DetourFunctionWithTrampoline( ( PBYTE )##pbTrampFunc,( PBYTE )##pbDetourFunc )
Detour( Trampoline_glBegin, glBeginDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glBlendFunc, glBlendFuncDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glClear, glClearDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glEnable, glEnableDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glPopMatrix, glPopMatrixDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glPushMatrix, glPushMatrixDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glShadeModel, glShadeModelDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glViewport, glViewportDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glVertex3fv, glVertex3fvDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glVertex3f, glVertex3fDetour );
//Because wglSwapBuffers isnt declared in GL\GL.h...
pwglSwapBuffers = ( wglSwapBuffers_t )GetProcAddress( LoadLibrary( "opengl32.dll" ), "wglSwapBuffers");
Detour( _Trampoline_wglSwapBuffers, _wglSwapBuffers);
//Primarily unused functions
Detour( Trampoline_glColor3f, glColor3fDetour );
Detour( Trampoline_glDisable, glDisableDetour );
void RemoveOpenGLDetour( ){
#define Destroy( pbTrampFunc, pbDetourFunc )\
DetourRemove( ( PBYTE )##pbTrampFunc,( PBYTE )##pbDetourFunc )
Destroy( Trampoline_glBegin, glBeginDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glBlendFunc, glBeginDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glClear, glClearDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glEnable, glEnableDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glPopMatrix, glPopMatrixDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glPushMatrix, glPushMatrixDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glShadeModel, glShadeModelDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glViewport, glViewportDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glVertex3fv, glVertex3fvDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glVertex3f, glVertex3fDetour );
//Primarily unused functions
Destroy( Trampoline_glColor3f, glColor3fDetour );
Destroy( Trampoline_glDisable, glDisableDetour );

Eğer İndirmek İsterseniz : *

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Virüs Total İçin :


LosTRocK07.01.2013 - 17:05
 :P :-X :-[

beyto583417.11.2013 - 23:38

heatoN545415.02.2014 - 18:07
dfds ??? :P :P :P :'( ;D ;)

KorkusuzReis14.04.2019 - 14:07

creation_1524.12.2020 - 16:02

cs duvar hilesi  eqweq 

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Counter-Strike 1.6 Duvar Hilesi Kodları...
Counter-Strike 1.6 Duvar Hilesi Kodları...
(Ortalama: 5 üzerinden 3 - 10 Oy)